One of the most common treatments for high blood pressure are ACE inhibitors. When the kidneys detect low blood pressure, which they call an enzyme called renin, which stimulates the formation of angiotensin protein called I. Is then converted into angiotensin I by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) in the lungs of a very powerful chemical called angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a powerful constrictor of blood vessels that cause the muscles surrounding blood vessels to contract, resulting in a narrowing of blood vessels. This narrowing of blood increases in blood pressure and can lead to high blood pressure.
ACE inhibitors block the action angiotensin converting enzyme in the lungs so that it is not the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. This keeps the enlarged blood vessels, leading to lower blood pressure. Councils block the action of angiotensin II itself, so that dilate the blood, which makes it easier for the heart to pump blood to the blood pressure results.
Natural bioactive casein water tripeptide analyst at Melaleuca ™ law ProStolic and natural blocker of angiotensin II formation. Also included in this is a proprietary blend of pomegranate juice powder, which inactivates the enzyme conversion as well. The third component is extracted from A pain flowers. Although the researchers do not know exactly how the passion flower, and they believe that plant flavonoids and alkaloids regulate neurotransmitters in the nervous system that reduce anxiety. One of these flavonoids in particular, chrysin, helps to calm the central nervous system and lowering blood pressure.
Along with a proprietary blend of tripeptide, and powder pomegranate juice extract of passion flower, and also contains ™ ProStolic potassium and calcium to provide a remedy well-rounded natural to help promote blood circulation healthy and normal to maintain blood pressure healthy, but without the side effects common very with drugs.
Tripeptide is formed when milk casein is broken down into small pieces. Has been studying different peptides, but a great deal of research has determined that the tripeptide isoleucine - Brolin - Brolin (IPP), and valine Brolin Brolin - (VPP) to have the most effective evidence favorable to the availability, safety and biological
Dynamic Active natural decomposition casein (a combination of tripeptide IPP and VPP) is the active ingredient listed in the proprietary blend of Melaleuca ProStolic ™. These casein derived from skim milk tripeptide, and is clinically proven to help maintain healthy blood pressure. Most studies show that blood pressure is lower after 2 weeks of daily consumption of IPP and VPP, and reach a stable level after 4-6 weeks.
Since the mechanism of action of commonly prescribed ACE inhibitors, block natural tripeptide formation of angiotensin II, which usually causes blood vessels to narrow. But this where the similarity ends. Studies show that IPP and VPP tripeptides complete blockage of angiotensin II without the side effects are very common in ACE and ARB medicines. In 2001, was conducted for a period of 8 weeks and placebo-controlled, double-blind study of 30 people with mild to moderate hypertension. The results of the study showed a significant reduction in blood pressure of IPP and test subjects VPP, but no change was observed in the placebo group. In addition, did not observe any adverse effects such as dry cough, and gastrointestinal symptoms or abnormal changes.
Was conducted more than 20 human clinical trials with IPP and VPP peptide during the past 10 years and conducted more than 10 double-blind clinical studies on the specific formulation of tripeptide is used in a proprietary blend of Melaleuca. In 1996 showed placebo-controlled study on blood pressure high blood pressure of 30 patients older, and most were taking drugs against high blood pressure, a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure after 4 and 8 weeks, but there is no significant change has observed in the placebo group.
A British Journal of Nutrition article reports a double-blind study and one against placebo-controlled, with 131 people from high blood pressure or high blood pressure normal light to determine the effectiveness of casein decomposition containing IPP and VPP in a decrease in blood pressure. The researchers concluded that these peptides could contribute to the prevention of high blood pressure in people with high blood pressure is higher than normal.
Prostolic Melaleuca also contains other natural treatments, including high blood pressure pomegranate juice, passion flower, and potassium and calcium. And we will discuss all these benefits of natural ingredients in physical therapy to maintain a healthy blood pressure part 3.
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