Saturday, August 18, 2012

Blood Pressure - Why you should consider monitoring at home

Of all organs in the body and the heart is undoubtedly the most important right, if you stop pumping blood throughout the body, providing oxygen vital to other organs, including the brain and death occur quickly.
Despite its importance, but a lot of us little attention or not for heart health even have been forced to do so, when it is often too late. So far, can keep a check on the heart by measuring the routine of simple our blood pressure could not be easier.

As with most things in life, when the heart begins encounter problems after that there will be warning signs that give us time to take corrective action and these warning signs often come in the form of high blood pressure is abnormally low or.

The main role of the heart is to take the newly oxygenated blood pumped through the arteries and key, and then through a network of small blood vessels throughout the body. Exercise the heart contracts to force blood into the arteries pressure on the walls of the arteries. Then, as the heart and relaxes her rooms bomb ready to pump again the pressure in the arteries decreases.

By measuring these two pressure levels, we can get an idea of ​​how the heart pumps blood through the body and thus see whether it works normally.

Until recently, it was necessary to go to the doctor to measure blood pressure. Put your arm around the doctor slap almost at the level of the heart. It then place the stethoscope on the brachial artery, which passes close to the surface of the skin inside your arm at the elbow, and proceed to inflate the cuff.

Inflatable balloon is it tightens around the arm to prevent the flow of blood through the brachial artery. Slowly released the pressure in the cuff, which is indicated by the mercury manometer attached to the rotator cuff and the point at which blood starts flowing through the artery, and the doctor understood as sound "whoosing" through a stethoscope to him, there. This is the point at which the pressure in the cuff to equal the pressure in the artery when the heart pumps blood is known through it and as systolic pressure.

Then continue to the doctor to release the pressure in the cuff slowly and control and blood is pumped through the artery until it is detected any sound. At this stage, the pressure gauge indicates the pressure in the arteries as the heart is at rest and is ready to fill the pump again. This is called the diastolic pressure lowering pressure.

Blood pressure varies from one person to another, and also up and down inside each and every one of us, depending on various factors such as time of day, our level of activity if we feel stressed our public health and if we do not take certain forms of medicines.

For the average person in the rest of the systolic blood pressure, but about mm Hg 120 (mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure of 80 mm of mercury could be an indication of the degree of variation between individuals, and the same person, and is considered normal values ​​for systolic pressure of 90 to 135 and mm Hg average normal diastolic pressure between 50 to 90 mm of mercury.

If blood pressure falls outside these readings, your doctor will check further to find out why blood pressure is abnormally high or abnormally low.

Since most of us do not go to the doctor on a regular basis, and the project only in the surgery when we must, it can be often several months or even years between checks blood pressure, and we were able to walk around the flag happily that we have a bomb deep in within us.

Today, however, there is a set of easy to use screens are relatively inexpensive and blood pressure are available for use in our homes and why not at all do not keep an eye on our body regularly the most valuable.

Therefore, before the tragedy you or a loved one, why not take a few minutes to see a range of blood pressure monitors available and buy yourself some peace of mind.

Cord Blood Bank: An Introduction to the cord blood stem cells

To find the source of primitive stem cells.
He appeared in the press about the positive impact that research on cord blood stem cells is the existence of a possible cure for many life-threatening diseases. But with such a large number of reports on this subject degrees or even factions it is impossible to follow all relevant facts. Stem cells show a great level of plasticity which means they can generate and renew in many types of cells and organs of our body, even inside. Potentially, if possible removal from the donor and transfused into the patient then in the future, may be used stem cells to treat a disease almost.

And more often found stem cells in children or even embryos despite the discovery that adult stem cells do not exist. So far, this is not often found in the brain, but spreads freely among the millions of other cells, making it difficult to extract so incredible.

Cord blood stem cells, on the other hand, it is very easy to remove. Because the process is completed after the child's birth and cut the umbilical cord and imposed no impact on the child, the mother or the birth itself.

How stem cells become T cells

T lymphocytes are the cells that are responsible for the fight against infections in children, and when they arise stem cells pass through the thymus. If the patient does not have a sufficient number of stem cells in the blood, so they will not actually be able to create T cells Later, they are more likely to suffer from serious infections. This, in turn, means that the cells can be used stem cells from umbilical cord blood of newborn T cells, as well as other vital body of your child. Stem cells, and then create an army of T cells to fight infection and allow the body to work in a natural way. As blood transfusion should be the success of the process that stem cells transferred from the patient's blood type the same himself. The use of stem cells from cord blood cells belonging to the patient himself, but it will ensure that this is the case.

Stop the test of the cell.

Umbilical cord stem cell called gel matrix Wharton and rich primitive stem cells. These cells are those that are not submitted, or to convert other cells produce. Stem cells are primitive type most effective stem cell that can be used for transferring a patient.

Made are usually many animal experiments to prove the possibility of using stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood of newborns and the most important of these tests as "stem cells" in Online Journal, tests on pigs. In human umbilical cord blood in a manner similar to a pig umbilical cord was found on two of the arteries, veins, and tests have shown positive results in storage and the power of the blood. "Stem Cells" magazine contains a lot of data on stem cells and articles on various topics.

In leukemia and anemia are present both diseases most frequently treated by transfusions of stem cells, although since then it has grown stem cell research in the volume and results diseases such as Parkinson's multiple sclerosis and various forms of cancer also show positive results.

Benefits of measuring blood pressure

The only way to keep track of blood pressure always using your sphygmomanometer. But be careful if you are going to get one because there are many types and models of blood pressure monitors available so you have to find the ones that suit you.

When you have high blood pressure, it is very important to monitor how your values ​​change in blood pressure during the day. In this way, you will have an active role in your health care and it would be very easy to determine the type of treatment that you need.

The price of a digital blood pressure is not too high and they are very easy to use, too. When you come to buy one of the best thing to do is to visit your doctor and he should be able to give you instructions on how to use the device to measure blood pressure. It is important to do and you can only perform measurements innaccurate should avoid this.

You should also take into account the fact that the values ​​of blood pressure varies throughout the world, so do not be surprised if some of your readings a bit on the line, which is normal for everyone. You should not worry if these high values ​​repeat, in this case, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.
In addition, you may Values ​​readings by the observers with the blood pressure is less than normal in a few times, which is also normal.
If you want to be as accurate as possible readings, try to sit down, rested, on a hard surface when implementing measurements.

Atherosclerosis - Symptoms, Causes, prevention and treatment

Of atherosclerosis in the arteries are thick, stiff clamping, leading to the reduction of the space for blood flow or closed. This reduces the oxygen supply to local or distant tissues.
The first symptoms of this is pain, poor organ function and the general situation is bad. Other consequences are tissue damage and severe damage in some cases, because it is stopping the flow of blood caused by a blood clot formed in a surprise narrowed areas.

Mechanisms and causes hardening of the arteries

The inner walls of the arteries are composed of a deep layer of endothelial cells (cell surface) and in said layer of smooth muscle cells. Changes in hardening of the arteries are endothelial cells and in this layer in the muscles. The changes consist of: A certain degree of proliferation of cancer cells or collection of cholesterol and fat. Deposition of calcium salts. Deposition of blood components such as fibrin.

And deposits called atherosclerotic plaque or sclerosis. Atherosclerosis is one of several types of thickening and hardening of the arteries. The common name for thickening and hardening of arteries is "hardening of the arteries." Often also called hardening of the arteries hardening of the arteries only.

The development of atherosclerosis may begin by mucosal lesions. This damage causes cholesterol and fat to penetrate the walls of blood and deposited there. This also pushes the cells to proliferate. Later also calcium salts are deposited.

The factors that cause atherosclerosis endothelial damage and thus:
High cholesterol in the blood.
High fat content in the blood and saturated fat in particular.
- Inflammation of the blood vessels. A sign of such inflammation is the presence of a substance called C-reactive protein.
Large amount of oxidants in the blood.
The high content of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood serum, and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the blood. Lipoprotein molecule is a combination of proteins and lipids or cholesterol. Lipoproteins transport cholesterol or fat from one location to another.
- Diabetes.
Old age.
Men have a chance a little more than get this condition than women.
The high content of amino acid homocysteine ​​in the blood serum.

Speaking at the end of the day, many of these factors by poor diet and lack of daily exercise.

Symptoms and consequences of atherosclerosis

Since atherosclerosis can affect all body parts, the symptoms vary. However, the general symptoms of the affected body parts are:
Decreased performance and easy to get tired.
The pain of physical activity, the pain of alleged lack of oxygen.
By the very low blood flow can damage tissue or wounds occur.

When the heart is affected, symptoms may include:
General state of disrepair.
The lack of oxygen, called the pain of the heart and the surrounding areas of physical activity and angina.
- The feeling of not getting enough air, or breathing problems.

Can lead to hardening of the arteries blood clots blocking blood flow. There are several ways this can happen:

The atherosclerotic plaque rupture CAN-, which makes it sensitive to the inner wall of the vessel. Perhaps in such blood clots, which makes it painful blood clot.
It can - plaque grows close to blood vessels.
CAN-coagulant blood in the affected area for loose, float with the blood stream to another place and supporting a blood vessel in a new place.
Some may paint itself loose and block blood vessels of others.

A condition called when the heart is stricken by a blood clot, heart tissue is destroyed stroke, myocardial infarction, causing heart failure or sudden death.

Decreased consciousness, coma or other sudden functional impairments when a blood clot that affects the brain, the brain tissue is destroyed or twice, causing paralysis.

Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis

Can be prevented from hardening of the arteries and to a certain extent, can be cured by these measures, lifestyle modifications which most of the time:

Eat only a small or moderate amount of fat.
Eat only a moderate amount of sugar.
And should - be fat eaten combination of the different types of unsaturated fat sources such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil and walnut oil and fish. Then you will have enough monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats are saturated, omega -6 - polyunsaturated, but not too much of one of them.
Eating fish far and just a little red meat.
Eat a good amount of fruits and vegetables every day.
Vitamins and minerals and antioxidants offer.
Do not consume a moderate amount of salt.
Smoking break.
Mechanism for treatment of high blood pressure if lifestyle measures do not lower blood pressure.
Daily exercise if you mount a.
- Elimination of stress in daily life and at work.
Affirming - down and get enough rest.

High levels of cholesterol, which do not respond to lifestyle measures, medication can be used to lower cholesterol, such as HMG-reductase, the Committee on Agriculture.

Reducing severe local artery, surgery to clean or implement to expand the artery sometimes. Sometimes the artery is replaced by the graft taken from another part of the body or through artificial vessel. When this is done in the heart, and indicates that the bypass.

Alternative treatment to clean the arteries is an option. Here, for example, the treatment is to use the substance EDTA to implement components of the paint away from the arteries. The molecules of this article you can enter around other molecules, cholesterol molecules, for example, and take them away. Called chelation therapy, however, there is controversy about the effectiveness of this treatment.

Are you having a heart attack?

Heart attacks come in all sizes, from minor to major, and symptoms of a heart attack in the waiting can be misleading in many cases. Some of the symptoms may be heart attack waiting occurring for some time and have been ignored everything else.
Waiting for symptoms of a heart attack hide themselves indigestion, overworked and tired all the time, and several times a day nap.

Labored feeling sick patients, and shortness of breath, during a heart attack real, you may feel feverish, breathing, sweating, tingling in the arms, and chest pain, and heaviness in the chest and if there is pressure on the chest and other various indicators.

Your life may depend on you making the right decision in minutes, is that you feel a heart attack ... As time rapid response to request for assistance ... 911 ... Could be the factor that saves your life. It is better to be wrong to be right and not get help on the road as soon as possible!

One of the main reasons for a heart attack is to restrict the flow of blood to the heart muscle, causing a number of symptoms. But the key is how serious heart attack. This in many ways determine what symptoms you are experiencing. Most Severy ban, more severe symptoms of heart attack in most cases. Corey has clogged due to a blood clot, or the accumulation of material within the walls of the arteries that stand out.

Do not equipted many hospitals to treat victims of heart attack completely, and transfer the patient by air to a hospital or medical center specialist heart attack, which can determine how it was, and it is one the skills needed to repair damage caused by heart attacks.

Is restored more blood flow to the heart muscle, and the best chances of a full recovery from heart attack.

Overview of heart disease

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in most developed countries of the world, and the number of cases continues to rise due to modern lifestyles both greater longevity in general. With the development of the disease can have a devastating effect on a person's life, and modern medicine has developed several effective treatments for heart disease, ranging from drugs and lifestyle improvements through the surgery.
Of course, prevention is better than cure, so before looking at some of the symptoms of heart disease'll eye a few ways you can help your body off risks.

Can live a healthy lifestyle go a long way in reducing the risk of developing heart problems, but it is unfortunately an element of inherited risk, so even those who have premium public health may find that you are genetically programmed to on cardiovascular disease in adulthood. Fortunately, genetics and a greater influence on heart disease is that of making us more susceptible to certain reasons, and fine adjustments to our lifestyles, we can greatly improve the chances of success of the avoid.

Shareholders are the most deadly cardiac problems are smoking and obesity. Each can raise blood pressure to dangerous levels, and put extra pressure on the heart. Smoking causes the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, which also causes circulatory problems. Being overweight also tends to mean that it does not follow a healthy diet and follow, so that the body can be short of basic metals and food that the heart needs to maintain good performance.

Can stop smoking and other unhealthy practices such as alcohol abuse, with a better diet and exercise to reduce weight can go a long way toward eating to avoid problems.

The symptoms can be a problem in the developing heart to be subtle and exciting. Unfortunately, there may be many other symptoms are also a sign of less serious conditions, and so often are diagnosed with heart disease before it can be done. If you come across more of the following symptoms, then a visit to the doctor is highly recommended.

Breathlessness during exercise is normal to some extent for almost everything, but if you find that you are more breathless easily, then this is a clear sign of general fitness levels is not everything which can be, and your heart may be hard under pressure.

Can palpitations, and it is the heart or significantly uneven strokes and be a sign of anxiety or its rise after exercise, but if neither of these cases apply then heart problems could be the culprit.

A tingling in the extremities such as fingers and toes of the body or lips is often a sign that your system does not provide enough oxygen cirulation, another sign of heart problems as possible. Extremeities must have to move forward to develop a bluish color then this is definitely not a good sign, and should consult a doctor immediately.

Mark is the final and most obvious heart problems a feeling of tightness or pain in the chest, a condition known as angina pectoris. If you experience chest pain with some regularity, even if not very private, and a medical examination is recommended to ensure catch any problems as early as possible. Can be controlled very well angina medication in many cases, not necessarily develop into a full cardiac disease.

In short, a healthy lifestyle while keeping an eye on symptoms significantly reduce the risk of destroying your life by heart disease.

A more practical approach to the health of the heart and blood vessels

Americans can take many new here seriously. In addition to diet and exercise, there is a new product with heart health aspirin available to help reduce risk factors for heart disease.
Cardiovascular diseases constitute a major health threat for men and women in the United States according to the American Heart Association, more than 71 million adults in the United States at least one type of cardiovascular disease. Such circumstances include dysfunctional from the heart and arteries and veins that supply oxygen to sustain life in the areas of the body such as the brain, the heart itself, and other vital organs.

Can be caused by these conditions of accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and poor circulation. Patients who suffer from cardiovascular disease are at increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and death.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are important steps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the new product development and a full heart health combines the advantages of the well-known doctor and recommended, low-dose aspirin vitamins and supplements other heart health. The clinically proven these components to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and help in the management of other risk factors for heart disease.

Called CardioEA ™ Enhanced with Aspirin, each caplet contains a safety-coated 81 mg doctor recommended low-dose aspirin in addition to a complex set of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, garlic extract and L-arginine Age ™ (AGE). It provides to consumers heart health conscious opportunity to help manage the large number of risk factors that contribute to heart disease with one tablet a day instead of taking supplements and various aspirin every day.

This is the first of a new class of prevention and wellness OTCeuticals called ™, manufactured by James Allan and group health-oriented consumer products company based in Boca Raton, Florida. OTCeuticals of vitamins and minerals, herbs and other dietary supplements that are combined with FDA, USP study the components of quality grade 1 in logical groups, safe and effective and practical.

In addition, improvement in CardioEA with aspirin, Alan James pipeline OTCeuticals group of products for joints and bones healthy, digestive system, and others.

CardioEA improved with aspirin found in Section vitamin in supermarkets and most major drug dealers and discount chain.

10 ways to avoid a heart attack

It is known as heart attack and myocardial infarction. This occurs when the heart muscle is damaged or does not receive enough oxygen. Many of the problems related to attacks occur as a result of a blockage in the arteries that carry blood from the heart pure for different body parts. Another reason is the formation of blood clots.
Often it is very difficult to distinguish between a heart attack and heartburn. Common signs of a heart attack is a narrow, pain or discomfort in the chest. Sweating, nausea and vomiting that are accompanied by intense pressure in the chest. Severe pain radiating into the chest, which extends from the chest to the left arm. Shortness of breath for more than a few minutes. If you have any of the above, you should consult a doctor or go to the emergency room.

Even if you think you are the victim of a heart attack should call an ambulance to take care of the heart, and put under your tongue for sorbitrate or chewing aspirin. If you are allergic to aspirin do not take one. And health care in hospitals and stroke are rapid, cardiac catheterization, and angioplasty. They also race intravenous drug violation.

The risk factors for heart attack include: smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension history, family, heart disease and hardening of the arteries, lack of exercise, obesity and fast food.

Reduce the risk of heart attack:

1. Quit.

2. A healthy diet. Avoid fatty foods, excess salt, and red meat.

3. Control of blood pressure and diabetes.

4. Make sure you exercise regularly at least 30 minutes per day. Walking is the most useful.

5. Prevent obesity. Do everything you can to maintain your weight.

6. Choose to live a healthy life.

7. The practice of meditation.

8. Relax and do breathing exercises regularly.

9. Succeed periodic evaluations of the heart.

10. Including foods that are rich in anti-oxidants in your diet.

A deadly disease, according to the American Heart Association nearly 58800000 people in the U.S. suffer from heart disease. And about 950,000 Americans die of heart disease each year. Prevent heart disease and death of the latter in maintaining your health. Finding a balance between work and other activities, abandon the couch and outdoors, do not watch sports on TV and representative sports Alternately, you can expect to live a long and fulfilled life.

10 signs and symptoms of hypertension

High blood pressure is a measure of force against arteries. Do you have high blood pressure? Do you know what are common symptoms and signs of high blood pressure? This article will give you comprehensive information on the signs and symptoms of a common high blood pressure.
Usually people ignore high blood pressure. Even those who take medicine, only take medication high blood pressure anti briefly. Studies have shown that 90% of patients with high blood pressure show non-compliance with their medication. If you can not control blood pressure leads to serious problems with your heart, kidneys, brain and eyes. If you want to save these vital organs in the body, then you have to control your blood pressure with the presence of boundaries.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80. If this goes on reading 140/90, then you should consider yourself a patient of hypertension. Between 120 and 140 by high blood pressure is. Can be controlled even by taking measures such as natural exercise, low salt intake, stop smoking, lower cholesterol, eat etc.. Vegetables

You will learn how to have high blood pressure?
High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, which is why we call it the silent killer. Although there are many symptoms concurrent believed widely to be associated with high blood pressure. These include headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, and facial scanning and fatigue. Although the people who suffer high blood pressure may have many of these symptoms, they often also occur in people with high normal blood pressure. Why do I have these symptoms, if a person has high blood pressure that is severe or long and left untreated, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, may incitement and blurred vision occur as a result of damage to the brain and eyes The heart and kidneys. In rare cases, may cause high blood pressure, swelling of the brain, which can cause drowsiness and coma.

High blood pressure is just 10 common symptoms.
Epistaxis (nosebleed)
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Drowsiness, Ansomnia
Decreased libido or lack of sexual desire
Blurred vision

If you do not have the above symptoms, it does not mean that you do not have high blood pressure. Remember most common symptom of high blood pressure is that "we do not have any symptoms." The best way to stay healthy is to measure blood pressure at regular intervals.