Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cord Blood Bank: An Introduction to the cord blood stem cells

To find the source of primitive stem cells.
He appeared in the press about the positive impact that research on cord blood stem cells is the existence of a possible cure for many life-threatening diseases. But with such a large number of reports on this subject degrees or even factions it is impossible to follow all relevant facts. Stem cells show a great level of plasticity which means they can generate and renew in many types of cells and organs of our body, even inside. Potentially, if possible removal from the donor and transfused into the patient then in the future, may be used stem cells to treat a disease almost.

And more often found stem cells in children or even embryos despite the discovery that adult stem cells do not exist. So far, this is not often found in the brain, but spreads freely among the millions of other cells, making it difficult to extract so incredible.

Cord blood stem cells, on the other hand, it is very easy to remove. Because the process is completed after the child's birth and cut the umbilical cord and imposed no impact on the child, the mother or the birth itself.

How stem cells become T cells

T lymphocytes are the cells that are responsible for the fight against infections in children, and when they arise stem cells pass through the thymus. If the patient does not have a sufficient number of stem cells in the blood, so they will not actually be able to create T cells Later, they are more likely to suffer from serious infections. This, in turn, means that the cells can be used stem cells from umbilical cord blood of newborn T cells, as well as other vital body of your child. Stem cells, and then create an army of T cells to fight infection and allow the body to work in a natural way. As blood transfusion should be the success of the process that stem cells transferred from the patient's blood type the same himself. The use of stem cells from cord blood cells belonging to the patient himself, but it will ensure that this is the case.

Stop the test of the cell.

Umbilical cord stem cell called gel matrix Wharton and rich primitive stem cells. These cells are those that are not submitted, or to convert other cells produce. Stem cells are primitive type most effective stem cell that can be used for transferring a patient.

Made are usually many animal experiments to prove the possibility of using stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood of newborns and the most important of these tests as "stem cells" in Online Journal, tests on pigs. In human umbilical cord blood in a manner similar to a pig umbilical cord was found on two of the arteries, veins, and tests have shown positive results in storage and the power of the blood. "Stem Cells" magazine contains a lot of data on stem cells and articles on various topics.

In leukemia and anemia are present both diseases most frequently treated by transfusions of stem cells, although since then it has grown stem cell research in the volume and results diseases such as Parkinson's multiple sclerosis and various forms of cancer also show positive results.

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