Saturday, August 18, 2012

Blood Pressure - Why you should consider monitoring at home

Of all organs in the body and the heart is undoubtedly the most important right, if you stop pumping blood throughout the body, providing oxygen vital to other organs, including the brain and death occur quickly.
Despite its importance, but a lot of us little attention or not for heart health even have been forced to do so, when it is often too late. So far, can keep a check on the heart by measuring the routine of simple our blood pressure could not be easier.

As with most things in life, when the heart begins encounter problems after that there will be warning signs that give us time to take corrective action and these warning signs often come in the form of high blood pressure is abnormally low or.

The main role of the heart is to take the newly oxygenated blood pumped through the arteries and key, and then through a network of small blood vessels throughout the body. Exercise the heart contracts to force blood into the arteries pressure on the walls of the arteries. Then, as the heart and relaxes her rooms bomb ready to pump again the pressure in the arteries decreases.

By measuring these two pressure levels, we can get an idea of ​​how the heart pumps blood through the body and thus see whether it works normally.

Until recently, it was necessary to go to the doctor to measure blood pressure. Put your arm around the doctor slap almost at the level of the heart. It then place the stethoscope on the brachial artery, which passes close to the surface of the skin inside your arm at the elbow, and proceed to inflate the cuff.

Inflatable balloon is it tightens around the arm to prevent the flow of blood through the brachial artery. Slowly released the pressure in the cuff, which is indicated by the mercury manometer attached to the rotator cuff and the point at which blood starts flowing through the artery, and the doctor understood as sound "whoosing" through a stethoscope to him, there. This is the point at which the pressure in the cuff to equal the pressure in the artery when the heart pumps blood is known through it and as systolic pressure.

Then continue to the doctor to release the pressure in the cuff slowly and control and blood is pumped through the artery until it is detected any sound. At this stage, the pressure gauge indicates the pressure in the arteries as the heart is at rest and is ready to fill the pump again. This is called the diastolic pressure lowering pressure.

Blood pressure varies from one person to another, and also up and down inside each and every one of us, depending on various factors such as time of day, our level of activity if we feel stressed our public health and if we do not take certain forms of medicines.

For the average person in the rest of the systolic blood pressure, but about mm Hg 120 (mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure of 80 mm of mercury could be an indication of the degree of variation between individuals, and the same person, and is considered normal values ​​for systolic pressure of 90 to 135 and mm Hg average normal diastolic pressure between 50 to 90 mm of mercury.

If blood pressure falls outside these readings, your doctor will check further to find out why blood pressure is abnormally high or abnormally low.

Since most of us do not go to the doctor on a regular basis, and the project only in the surgery when we must, it can be often several months or even years between checks blood pressure, and we were able to walk around the flag happily that we have a bomb deep in within us.

Today, however, there is a set of easy to use screens are relatively inexpensive and blood pressure are available for use in our homes and why not at all do not keep an eye on our body regularly the most valuable.

Therefore, before the tragedy you or a loved one, why not take a few minutes to see a range of blood pressure monitors available and buy yourself some peace of mind.

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