Saturday, August 18, 2012

A more practical approach to the health of the heart and blood vessels

Americans can take many new here seriously. In addition to diet and exercise, there is a new product with heart health aspirin available to help reduce risk factors for heart disease.
Cardiovascular diseases constitute a major health threat for men and women in the United States according to the American Heart Association, more than 71 million adults in the United States at least one type of cardiovascular disease. Such circumstances include dysfunctional from the heart and arteries and veins that supply oxygen to sustain life in the areas of the body such as the brain, the heart itself, and other vital organs.

Can be caused by these conditions of accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and poor circulation. Patients who suffer from cardiovascular disease are at increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and death.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are important steps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the new product development and a full heart health combines the advantages of the well-known doctor and recommended, low-dose aspirin vitamins and supplements other heart health. The clinically proven these components to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and help in the management of other risk factors for heart disease.

Called CardioEA ™ Enhanced with Aspirin, each caplet contains a safety-coated 81 mg doctor recommended low-dose aspirin in addition to a complex set of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, garlic extract and L-arginine Age ™ (AGE). It provides to consumers heart health conscious opportunity to help manage the large number of risk factors that contribute to heart disease with one tablet a day instead of taking supplements and various aspirin every day.

This is the first of a new class of prevention and wellness OTCeuticals called ™, manufactured by James Allan and group health-oriented consumer products company based in Boca Raton, Florida. OTCeuticals of vitamins and minerals, herbs and other dietary supplements that are combined with FDA, USP study the components of quality grade 1 in logical groups, safe and effective and practical.

In addition, improvement in CardioEA with aspirin, Alan James pipeline OTCeuticals group of products for joints and bones healthy, digestive system, and others.

CardioEA improved with aspirin found in Section vitamin in supermarkets and most major drug dealers and discount chain.

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